Happy (Belated) Thanksgiving!

Whoo-ee, friends!

This year has been rough, and somehow, the holidays are only making that clearer. This Thanksgiving, my partner and I stayed home. We didn’t cook much, and at first, I was really sad about the whole thing.

Normally, we go see my parents—it’s just the four of us, sometimes with the addition of my grandfather—but with the pandemic this year, and my dad’s asthma acting up, it seemed like a risk not worth taking.

But after the initial let down of all these changes and the things we’ve had to give up this year, I’m really enjoying having a few days off with my partner and my kitties with nothing big on our plates. Did I make cookies yesterday to make up for the missed calories of stuffing, potatoes, and a metric fuckton of butter? You bet I did. But mostly, it’s just been nice to relax.

I hope you’re all able to see your loved ones safely, you had good food, and you’ve had a chance to relax and let go of some of the stress we’ve been carrying around this year.

Happy Thanksgiving!